College Social Magazine

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Why Stop Yourself – College Rules Worth Breaking

college rules worth breaking

When we consider college life, there are two types of students found in college. One kind of them is very respectful towards college rules. They only know one thing, and that is studying. The other type is the one who does not obey any rules of the college. But one thing we should remember that college life is a part of our life and we should enjoy the time as much as possible.

Here Are Some College Rules That Are Worth Breaking:

Enjoy today, Study tomorrow

One of the most popular rules that teachers always keep saying to us that we should not keep anything due for tomorrow and should do everything today. But most of us do not obey this rule and keep all the works due for tomorrow.

Not marks but Passing the semester is your only goal

The rules of the college say that we should study to improve our results and just to pass the exam. But most of us love to break the rules by studying only the night before the exam.So, enjoy all over the year except the night before the exam.

Play mobile games to avoid boring lectures

The main rule of attending classes is to give full attention to it. But the fun begins when you play mobile games sitting on the last bench of the classroom, avoiding teacher’s eyes. Many times we get caught and get punished and do the same thing in the next class.

Bunk classes 

Teachers always keep advising us not to bunk any classes and attend all the classes regularly. But the students with a naughty but intelligent mind attend only those classes which they find interesting and love to bunk those classes which they find annoying.

Be the best in extracurricular activities, not studies

Students who love to enjoy their college lives by doing something naughty, love to spend time in activities like college fests and reading college social magazine. These can also give you excuses to bunk classes. 

Spend more time on playground than classroom

Just go to college to spend most of the time in the playground. Make your mind free and stop making it captivated inside the classroom. Football, cricket bat, balls should be your best friends and not the books.

Do everything except the syllabus

Colleges and universities give us a standardized curriculum and books. But if you want to learn new things and explore yourself, you need to think beyond the syllabus. Try to acquire practical knowledge and explore the world. Avoid reading textbooks only.

Can not live without coffee during exam time

Teachers sometimes advise us to avoid coffee as it can harm health in various ways. But during exam times, we can’t keep our attention in studies without coffee. Coffee or tea can only save us when we see a vast syllabus on the day before the exam. Because we do not study for the whole year.

Can not eat without sharing

As many great men said that when we eat alone, we have enough time to have a conversation with yourself. But in college canteens and hostels, this rule is being violated around many years. We can not eat food without sharing our food and taking from our friend’s food. This is also essential for us to socialize with other people and sharing food is the best way to make a connection with each other. 

College properties are our properties

Students with innovative thoughts play any game on the ground as it is an international game. When they are on the field, window glasses and lamps are not safe. They believe that as they pay the college, they have the right to break these properties. 

During parties you eat less, drink more

College students, especially engineering students, can not celebrate anything special without alcohol. If anything good happens they drink, if anything sad happens, they drink. But staying in limitations and not affecting our health this way of enjoying college life is not bad at all. 

Creating your own rules not following the teacher’s rules

College life differs from school life in the way that we are adults in college life and we are not ready to obey anyone’s advice or order other than our parents. When the regulations of any teacher go above our heads, we are prepared to raise our voices and many teachers actually deserve this.

Above we have discussed some college rules that are worth breaking.

For any person who has passed his college life will admit that college life is the best and last phase of our life when we can enjoy and do everything freely without any worry. So, enjoying this college life without harming anyone is essential. 

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